A Cluster Remover so intelligent…
The SmartECR is Waikato Milking Systems premier cup remover solution. The system integrates seamlessly with other “Smart” technologies to trigger an automated sequence of events during milking while enabling the operator to customise the routine.
All “Smart” technologies, including SmartECR are operated from SmartCONTROL – a user focused, touch-screen interface. From SmartCONTROL settings such as Pre-milking let down delay and flow sensor sensitivity are accessible.
SmartECR works with Vortex, Waikato Milking System latest in flow sensor technology. The duo provide accurate end of milking identification and minimal vacuum drop during milking. Once end of milking is identified vacuum to the cluster is blocked prior to cups being removed, reducing cow discomfort and udder inflammation.
The stainless steel ram is made by our own stainless fabrication division and its quality is guaranteed. With benefits such a reducing labour costs and promoting udder health, SmartECR is an asset in any milking system. Rotary dairies however can take the most advantages from the technology with integrations including BailMate – bail retention control and SmartSPRAY – Automatic teatspray system.